Ripley Nursery School Childcare is a popular and well sought after Nursery School/Childcare provision situated within a well populated area of Ripley.
Within the Childcare facility we provide care for babies and toddlers aged from 3 months - 3 years as well as wrap-around care which provides breakfast club (7:45am - 8:30am), afterschool cover (3:30pm - 5:45pm) and Holiday Club (school holidays) for the children who attend the Nursery School (3 years +).
The Childcare Facility is open 49 weeks of the year from 7:45am - 5:45pm.
We would highly recommend you come and view our setting; telephone to make an appointment or email Charly Manley, Childcare Manager -
Children within our Childcare facility learn best through exploration and play, having opportunity to access natural and interesting resources that extend their thinking and promote their curiosity.
We promote confident 'can do' learners and work with parents to promote learning and development within the EYFS.
Admissions procedure:
- Arrange to visit by contacting Charly Manley on 01773 745014 ext. 2
- Come and have a look around our lovely and welcoming, fully resourced and self contained childcare rooms and our fantastic natural outdoor garden area.
- Viewing is very informal - what you see is an honest vision of how we run.
- Don't forget - ask questions, look at planning that is delivered and meet and greet the team and children.
- Happy with what you see? Request a registration pack and discuss availability.
- Once the registration forms have been completed, submit your child's birth certificate (a copy will be taken) and the 'Registration/Retainer Fee' of £30.00.
- If your child is entitled to the '2 Year Old Government Funding', request a registration pack and return the pack along with your child's birth certificate and the original letter confirming your 6 digit entitlement code.
- Prior to your child's start date, the key person chosen for your child will call you to attend a welcome visit to complete paperwork regarding your child's routine, interests, any health needs and schedule any settling in visits you may require.
- If we are unable to provide you with your chosen sessions you can request to go on our waiting list.