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School Ethos and Aims

We endeavour to provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment in which all children may develop their skills to their full potential.


We recognise that children are active learners who need space and opportunities to explore, experiment and invent; to practise and develop their learning first hand. We utilise free flow play between our indoor classrooms and our large garden to accommodate children’s different learning styles.


Education is not the filling of the pail but the lighting of the fire.  William Butler Yeats.


At the beginning of the Autumn Term we revisited our school ethos and values. These are the beliefs of all the staff who work with your children:


We believe children need to; feel safe, secure and loved, feel valued and of worth, have a voice and know they will be listened to, feel part of a team/group/family who are important to them, be challenged, be happy and confident, have clear, consistent boundaries and expectations of behaviour, have positive relationships with adults and peers, be healthy, learn through their own experiences, be curious about the world and be confident in their exploration.


We believe children are entitled to; a fun and stimulating learning environment, have fantastic role models, both adults and other children to support their behaviour and attitudes to learning, opportunities to develop high levels of involvement in their learning, learn through practical, first hand, meaningful experiences, opportunities to practise skills to achieve high levels of independence and competency.


We believe our role is to; extend child’s learning through play, facilitate positive relationships with our families – children and adults, extend children’s thinking and language through careful questioning, know our children well in order to personalise and maximise the learning, operate as part of a caring school ‘family’ team, provide additional support for children and parents if needed, provide an exciting active curriculum, provide an inviting learning environment full of wonder and opportunities for exploration.

