Dear Parents / Carers
We are writing to you to tell you about what we know and what our plans are regarding updated guidance given by both The Department for Health and The Department for Education about the increasing number of confirmed Coronavirus virus cases nationally.
Since our return to school, after the half term break, we have continued to teach our children about the importance of personal hygiene and hand washing. We have also implemented, with our Caretaker and cleaning team, a new cleaning regime that further concentrates on cleaning and treating touchable surfaces in classrooms, on doors and in the toilets.
In light of the new guidance sent by The Department of Health, please DO NOT send a child to school who has a NEW cough and / or a temperature of over 37.8*C.
We will be asking parents to collect children from school immediately if a child presents in this way.
Parents and carers who believe that their child is particularly vulnerable in the context of the Covid-19 virus should contact school to speak to a member of staff so that additions to individual medical record can be made.
Further information about educational settings can be found at:
Please also feel assured, that whilst we are still not unduly concerned in our setting, that we continuously are looking at guidance for any updates, following it rigorously and will seek the correct support should we need it.
We will all work together to make sure that we keep our school community as safe and as well as possible. Please do not hesitate to ask questions or keep in touch about worries or concerns on the email or phone number at the top of the letter.
Keep in touch with developments and advice issued by Public Health England at:
Many thanks in advance for your support,
Cathy Bednal
Cathy Bednal