Dear Parents / Carers,
As you are aware we have worked closely with you over the past few weeks to keep our school and childcare facility a safe space for children, parents and staff.
Following the latest government update from the Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Williamson, schools, colleges and early years settings will be closed to everyone except children of keyworkers and vulnerable children from Monday 23rd March, as part of the country’s ongoing response to coronavirus.
Schools and setting are now being asked to play a very different but vital role in the national effort in tackling the coronavirus.
We are waiting for further clarity of the title keyworker and examples given so far include NHS staff, police and delivery drivers who need to be able to go to work. Vulnerable children include those who have a social worker and those with Education, Health and Care Plans. A full list of keyworker categories will be published today and we will send this out promptly.
Children who do not fall into these groups should remain at home with appropriate care.
Ripley Nursery School and Ripley Nursery School Childcare will be working together to provide a service to support children and families which fall into the identified categories, this will include some level of provision over the forthcoming Easter holidays. However whatever service we are able to provide will always be based on the safety and the welfare of our pupils and staff.
Please discuss your childcare needs with myself or your base staff by end of day on Thursday 19th March 2020.
We are in the process of preparing learning packs for every child and putting together a series of online learning materials for you to access and enable you and your children to keep in touch with your keyworkers during the difficult time ahead. We will always be available via the telephone, email or face book if we are unable to meet and talk face to face.
We understand that this is a difficult and scary time for all of us and the best way for us to help each other is to stay positive and keep connected to each other.
Kind regards,
Cathy Bednal