Organisation for the Summer Term and Holiday Club.
Dear Parents and Carers,
We understand that this is a very strange time in all of our lives and it is difficult to make plans for the future, however we have started to think about what might happen next given current government guidance. We have thought about the end of term and the practicalities of holiday club, with the proviso that the national picture could disrupt our plans.
Class Bubbles
Last week we started the process of opening school to additional children and to start our new system of working in four small class bubbles. In keeping with our school ethos of promoting high levels of wellbeing and in line with our understanding of child development we know that it is not possible or desirable to socially distance with our young children, therefore we will keep our class bubbles small for the remainder of this term. We will continue with our upgraded cleaning schedule and strong focus on hand hygiene for staff and children. All the children have been fantastic in settling into their new routines and it has been good to see many of our families back at school.
End of summer term
As you may be aware, this school has remained open for every bank holiday and working day apart from two days since lockdown started and we have had to made key decisions to support our own wellbeing in the weeks ahead. Working with the Childcare Company we have decided to close both school and childcare on Friday 17th July 2020. We are planning safe ways of saying goodbye to our leavers and handing over your wonderful learning journals and will be in contact with you shortly.
Autumn term
School and childcare will reopen on Thursday 3rd September for the January 2020 cohort and any children already attending, and therefore already settled in school, from the Summer 2020 cohort. We will be in touch with all parents who have not yet joined school with our plans for future opening.
We anticipate that in September we will continue to work in four class bubbles; staff and children will be limited to one bubble and this will impact on the extended provision we can offer. Please contact if you require either before or after school club from September as availability is limited.
Holiday Club
Holiday club and childcare will open on Monday 3rd August for 4 weeks only until 28th August 2020. We will operate in two age related bubbles; under and over 3 year olds. These places are limited so please register your interest by contacting by Friday 19th June 2020. Holiday club will be organised by the Childcare Company and will be dependent upton interest received from parents to ensure sustainability and safe working for staff. If you are using funded hours for the holiday club please discuss with Stacey Bradshaw when registering your interest.
Age phases |
Operating times |
Costs/day |
Babies and toddlers |
8am - 4.30pm |
£49.30/ Babies £47.60/Toddlers |
Over 3 year olds |
8.30am – 3.30pm |
£39 |
Any 30 hour funding queries please contact
If you have any questions please contact either Stacey Bradshaw or Kerry Hartwell via telephone or email.
For those of you returning after summer we hope you have a fantastic time with your families and we look forward to seeing you all again on Thursday 3rd September 2020.
Kind regards,
Cathy Bednal
Headteacher of Ripley Nursery School